Since the early modern era, the modern project of education has been closely associated with another modernist project, namely the clear distinction between a purportedly unchangeable ‘nature’, on the one hand, and a historically conceived, changing society, on the other. An exploration of the history of education may reveal that this clear-cut separation has been constantly challenged and undermined by hybrid phenomena and networks between these two realms. Nature has classically been a contentious subject within educational thinking, yet nature has not only been a point of reference for ideas and theories, but for educational practices as well. The European Enlightenment repositioned nature as a determining arena and the backdrop for educational practices.


Del 28 de febrero al 3 de marzo de 2018 en Montevideo, Uruguay | Entrega de resúmenes hasta el 30 de agosto

El XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana – CIHELA 2018 – lleva por título “Política, espacio público y disputas en la historia de la educación en América Latina. A 100 años de la reforma de Córdoba”. Tendrá lugar en la Universidad de la República, en la ciudad de Montevideo, Uruguay, del 23 de febrero al 3 de marzo. Organiza el evento la Sociedad Uruguaya de Historia de la Educación/ SUHE.

The ISCHE Executive Committee invites proposals for pre-conference workshops to be held (Monday 17 July).  Since 2013, members of ISCHE have organized half-day pre-conference workshops to initiate collective discussions about a specific topic. These workshops are limited in terms of participants but open to the attendees of the main ISCHE conference.  Pre-conference workshops may include some invited speakers and presenters but must also include a public call for submissions.  Both the convenors and all participants in pre-conference workshops are required to register for the main ISCHE conference. Participation in a pre-conference workshop will require advance registration via the general conference registration system and the overall number of participants may be limited.


The International Congress on “Society, education and elites. Historical Perspectives from the Enlightenment to the Digital Era” will take place at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain) in May 17-19, 2017.

It focuses on the relationship between society, education and elites from the viewpoint that society (public discourse, parties, States, government systems, etc.) as well as education (universities, primary and secondary schools, vocational training, higher education, etc.) make up their own systems. Special attention is paid to the way in which the different historical processes of secularisation, industrialisation, modernisation, digitalisation, etc. have created various ways in which education systems train elites who serve the social system.

Ο ιστότοπος του συνεδρίου


International Standing Conference for the History of Education ‘Culture and Education’ Istanbul University, Turkey 24th – 27th June 2015. Proposals and panel presentations are invited that examine the conference theme: ‘Culture and Education’. The purpose of this conference is to examine the relations between education and culture from the historical perspective.

Ο ιστότοπος του συνεδρίου

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